Lord Whimsy : Mammal of Paradise

"Lord Whimsy, also known as Breaulove Swells, is a noted dandy, raconteur, cape enthusiast, rogue, poison dwarf, contributing writer and associate editor for the PHILADELPHIA INDEPENDENT, founder of the Hermetic Order of the Bagatelle, renowned lepidopterist, editor of the AFFECTED PROVINCIAL’S QUARTERLY, exemplar of male splendor, connoisseur of borrowed wit, doyen of culture, impresario, professor emeritus of the inconsequential and subculture critic. Whimsy is a walking contradiction; a degenerate voluptuary that wishes to reintroduce ancient charms to the den of ubiquity that is modernity. He rails against the leveling effects of the blind egalitarianism that mows down all flowers that dare peek above the crabgrass. He is a perfumer of curls that wishes to reawaken the poetry of the human soul. He does not seek to destroy modernity – he just wishes to make it hospitable. He is, in short, an ambassador of Heaven."

Lord Whimsy : Mammal of Paradise