"It is now our intention to write at least one limerick for each and every word in the English language and to title this grand enterprise The "Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form"! As my grandfather used to say, "Aim high and you'll never shoot your foot off."
What's a limerick? It follows this form:
There once was a (person) from (place)
Who (insert more detail in this space);
When (a theme for adults
Goes in here) it results
In a (rude, yet still logical case).
— Virge
Here's an example of what's being added to the dictionary:
While I used to give freely for alms,
I admit I've been having some qualms
Since each outlay of bucks
Brings an influx of schmucks
Who are mooching and holding out palms.
Help contribute to OEDILF: The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form.