10MinuteMail is a secure temporary e-mail service. This means that it lets you have a private e-mail address that anyone can send e-mail to. The e-mail and the address both self-destruct in 10 minutes, so you don't have to worry about SPAM or anything like that.
Why would I use 10MinuteMail?
The most common reason to use a temporary e-mail service like 10MinuteMail is if you are forced to give an e-mail address to a website you don't fully trust. Many websites force you to register in order to see content. Many of those websites will then either send you SPAM for years or, even worse, sell your e-mail address to large scale SPAM operations. 10MinuteMail allows you to easily give an e-mail address that won't exist in 10 minutes, so there's no risk of SPAM. If the website makes you verify the e-mail address by sending you a link to your e-mail that you have to click, then you can read the e-mail right here on www.10minutemail.com and click on the link. You can also reply to e-mail, as some sites require a reply. You can forward the e-mail to your personal account if there's some information you need to save.
How do I use 10MinuteMail?
- When you need an e-mail address to fill out an online form or registration, just open another window or tab and go to 10MinuteMail.com.
- The e-mail address you see on the page is yours. You are the only person who can see that address.
- You can copy it from the window, or just click on the icon that looks like two sheets of paper which will automatically copy the e-mail address to your clipboard. DO NOT CLOSE the 10MinuteMail.com window.
- Then paste the e-mail address into the website you needed it for, complete the registration/form/whatever.
- If the site sends you an e-mail, it should show up on the 10MinuteMail.com page, down on the page, under the Messages section. It may take a couple of minutes to arrive.
- Once you see it there, just click on it, and you can read the e-mail. Then you can click on any links, or get any information you need.
- When you are done, just close the 10MinuteMail.com window, or wait for the 10 minutes to expire. That's it.
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