Pew Research Center Political Typology

"The Political Typology is a longstanding effort to sort voters into homogeneous groups based on their values, political beliefs and party affiliation. The new analysis divides the American public into nine distinct groups, each with their own unique outlook on politics and the issues of the day.

Contrary to the widespread impression of a nation only divided into two unified “red” and “blue” camps, our latest survey finds important cleavages on values and basic attitudes within each party. While Republicans have made strong and election-determining inroads among independents, divisions over social and domestic issues may make it difficult for them to consolidate and build upon that advantage. Democrats, however, must deal with a more diverse constituency that is sharply divided on social and cultural values.

Where Do You Fit?
Answer the typology questionnaire online and find out which Typology group you fit into." Pew Research Center Political Typology